The amount of information in this book is grandiose.
This book is divided into 3 parts: Groundwork, Diving in, and Advanced Mediumship. Features 10 chapters, and a total of 65 step by step exercises.
All exercises were nicely explained, and I followed a few already.
One of the very first ones is to constantly try to guess numbers to tune into your abilities. The author recommends guessing before looking at what time it is, so I’ve been doing that, as is very easy. Unfortunately, I didn’t get it a single time, not even close.
In between the exercises you will also find a myriad, of anecdotal information, which gives a nice rest in between exercises, as there is no way I would try each one back to back, and is also a nice read to get antiquated with the author personal experiences.
I particularly enjoyed a section presented in the appendix, titled “Ten Mediums, Ten Questions” where the same 10 questions are made to 10 different mediums as a sort of interview.
Overall I really liked this book, and I found it to be an interesting read.
I like that the author writes in a very human and personal approach, and even if I never become a medium myself, I enjoyed reading about her and others that are one.
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