Unveiling the Spiritual Significance and Message of the White Fox

, In the realm of symbolism and spiritual significance, animals have long held a profound place. Among these creatures, the white fox stands as a captivating emblem, bearing a message that transcends the physical world and delves into the realms of the spiritual and metaphysical. With its ethereal appearance and enigmatic demeanor, the white fox beckons us to explore the depths of its symbolic meaning.

A Messenger of Balance and Adaptation

The white fox, often associated with the Arctic regions and snowy landscapes, symbolizes adaptability and survival. Just as the white fox thrives in extreme environments, we are reminded of the importance of embracing change and navigating life’s challenges with flexibility. This elegant creature embodies the wisdom of adapting to circumstances while maintaining a sense of grace and poise. Its presence serves as a reminder that, despite the harshest conditions, there is a way to find harmony and equilibrium.

Spiritual Purity and Illumination

The pristine white coat of the fox carries connotations of purity, innocence, and illumination. White, being a color often associated with spiritual enlightenment, represents a state of purity and spiritual ascension. The white fox, with its radiant appearance, encourages us to seek clarity and truth in our spiritual journeys. Its presence may signify a call to shed the darkness of ignorance and embrace the light of higher understanding.

Guardian of Mysteries and Intuition

In many cultures, the fox is revered as a guardian of mysteries and a symbol of cunning intelligence. The white fox, with its unique coloration, amplifies this symbolism, inviting us to trust our instincts and cultivate our intuition. Just as the fox navigates its surroundings with sharp senses, we are encouraged to tap into our inner wisdom and instincts, unearthing hidden truths and insights that may elude the logical mind. The japanese kitsune is an example of fox spirits, which is magical and the messenger of Inari-okami, deity of rice, fertility, tea, and sake.

The Dance of Transformation

The white fox’s ability to change its coat with the seasons aligns with the concept of transformation and rebirth. It symbolizes the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth – a profound spiritual journey that many cultures and traditions acknowledge. As the white fox sheds its coat to reveal a new layer of protection, we are reminded of the transformative power of letting go and embracing change. This metamorphosis carries a message of renewal and the potential for personal growth.

A Call to Seek Balance

Overall, the spiritual meaning of the white fox encapsulates themes of balance, intuition, transformation, and purity. Its presence in the realm of symbolism encourages us to harmonize our lives, trust our instincts, embrace change, and seek enlightenment. Like the white fox traversing the vast snowy landscapes with grace, we are urged to navigate the landscapes of our own lives with poise, adaptability, and a sense of wonder.

In the whispers of the white fox’s symbolic message, we discover an invitation to delve deeper into our spiritual understanding and cultivate a sense of connection with the natural world. Just as this creature weaves through the physical and metaphysical realms, so too can we weave our own paths toward spiritual awakening and self-discovery.

Ciencia de la motivación

Cuando se trata de  obtener éxito, un componente clave podría ser incluso más importante que factores como el talento, la inteligencia, el dinero o las conexiones. Esa pieza elusiva del rompecabezas es la motivación. Después de todo, sin motivación, lograr tus metas, ser productivo e incluso mantenerse activo se vuelve difícil. Alcanzar tus objetivos o cumplir con tus plazos auto-impuestos sin la motivación para tomar acción hacia ellos probablemente resultará en agotamiento. Esa motivación es a menudo lo que nos falta en el cumplimiento de nuestros deseos. Todos tenemos listas de cosas que esperamos lograr. Estas listas contienen grandes metas, tareas diarias y todo lo demás. Al aprender cómo aumentar tu motivación, aumentará la probabilidad de tachar más elementos de tu lista de tareas pendientes.

Echemos un vistazo a la ciencia de la motivación y las formas de aprovecharla a tu favor.


Tres elementos de la motivación

Los tres elementos de la motivación que Pink examina en su libro son autonomía, valor y competencia. Según investigadores, son estos tres componentes los que impulsan a las personas a estar motivadas. La autonomía se refiere al control o independencia que uno siente sobre una tarea o acción. Se ha demostrado que cuando sientes que tienes una cantidad considerable de influencia en una tarea, es más probable que la lleves a cabo hasta su finalización. El segundo componente de la motivación, el valor, es la cantidad de importancia o significado personal que uno atribuye a un asunto. En esencia, si algo te importa en un nivel emocional profundo, te sentirás más motivado para asumirlo que si simplemente te asignan una tarea con la que no sientes ninguna conexión. Se ha descubierto que la competencia proviene de la sensación de dominio que tiene un individuo en relación con la práctica y el trabajo arduo, no necesariamente de sus habilidades naturales. Si dedicas tiempo a desarrollar competencia hacia una meta en particular, se predice que estarás más motivado para completar dicha meta.


Estrategias para aumentar la motivación

Ahora que tienes una comprensión de lo que más importa en cuanto a lo que nos motiva, es hora de considerar algunas estrategias para aumentar tu motivación. Usando la idea de la autonomía como guía, consideremos formas de agregar una sensación de control o participación a las actividades que deben completarse. Una forma de hacerlo es apropiarte de una tarea o agregar algún aspecto de autorregulación a la misma. Si tienes dificultades para comenzar un proyecto, como enviar un trabajo para su revisión, puede ayudar pensar en todas las formas en que hacerlo te distinguirá como experto en tu campo. Al hacerlo, verás que entregar el trabajo es un componente necesario para compartir tus puntos de vista únicos con tus colegas. Para agregar valor a tu tarea, debes hacerla significativa y personal. Encuentra una manera de darle propósito a ese elemento en tu lista de tareas pendientes. Esto implica cambiar tu mentalidad o la forma en que ves ese elemento. Completar tus impuestos es una tarea temida para la mayoría de nosotros, pero puedes agregarle propósito al enfocarte en el trabajo que has realizado y

en lo que se refiere a los números en la página o la contribución que has hecho a tu trabajo y comunidad a través de tus esfuerzos. Pagar impuestos es un símbolo de ciudadanía responsable. Por último, está la competencia. Sentir maestría sobre una acción requiere práctica. Intenta ver el trabajo en cuestión como un proceso en el que estás trabajando hacia una meta final de habilidad. Por ejemplo, pronto verás la cinta de correr como menos adversaria a medida que soportes más sesiones de ejercicio y veas más resultados. Así que, junto con el objetivo final de ponerte en forma, pronto verás que cada sesión se vuelve más fácil, lo que te dará una sensación de logro y satisfacción.

La motivación rara vez es fácil de conseguir. Sin embargo, con este conocimiento de la ciencia que hay detrás, ahora puedes seguir los pasos necesarios para alcanzar tus sueños de manera más efectiva. Pronto dominarás tus metas, lo que alimentará tu motivación hacia futuros emprendimientos.


Accurate AF tarot deck unboxing and flip through

Accurate AF tarot deck unboxing and flip through

Accurate AF tarot deck unboxing and flip through. Let’s take a look at the Accurate AF tarot deck designed by prism and fleur. If you want to find the Accurate AF tarot deck you can find it here:

https://www.etsy.com/shop/PrismandFleur or https://www.prismandfleur.com

🔮Book a personal reading with me: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MDLittleShop​

🔥My deck collection: https://amzn.to/3f9Rdb4​

Tarot Elements Book Review

Tarot Elements Book Review

Tarot Elements – Five Readings to Reset Your Life

by Melissa Cynova

Author of:  Kitchen Table Tarot

( I received an unfinished digital copy of this book prior to its publication for reviewing purposes. This review reflects my own thoughts and is not compensated in any way.)


Tarot elements presents a new way of reading tarot cards. This new way consists of custom spreads, with specially crafted questions, and all by using the basis of the elements of the cards.

Wands represent fire, swords are air, pentacles are earth, cups are water, and the major arcana represent spirit.

After telling you “where to start”, the author then continues by informing you how to read tarot cards.

Step by step instructions are included in the book, including a graphic for the spread. The author mentions that this section is dedicated to those new to tarot readings.

After this, all the elements are divided into their readings specifics.
First, we see “earth/home”. I really relate to her description of the earth element, how it represents being grounded, feeling safe, and how finances could also be part of the earth, as it sometimes makes you feel secure if you have your needs met with your current income.

So she continues by saying that the purpose of an earth reading is to know/ask about safety, security, and peace of mind.

After this, all the elements are divided into their readings specifics.
First, we see “earth/home”. I really relate to her description of the earth element, how it represents being grounded, feeling safe, and how finances could also be part of the earth, as it sometimes makes you feel secure if you have your needs met with your current income.

So she continues by saying that the purpose of an earth reading is to know/ask about safety, security, and peace of mind.

Tarot Elements Book Review pin

The earth reading spread is presented with the meanings of each position, as well as two very detailed earth readings examples. Filling the examples you will find an exercise regarding your home and the earth elements of your life.
The author sends you to clean your home and mentions that her favorite housekeeping website is unfuckyourhabitat.com

Well, with that name I’m absolutely curious and I feel the need to pause my reading and check this site. (turns out is a nice resource, but beware, lots of curses in the writing of this website).

Get your copy here: 

Tarot Elements

The author presents a set of 4 steps to clean up your home, including decluttering and only keeping what makes you happy. Which inevitably makes me think of the magic of tidying up by Marie Kondo.

I though that it was very strange to encounter this kind of advice in a tarot book, yet they are nice and welcomed. Although unexpected, I appreciate any well meaning advice or to do list.

Following the home section, the author talks about finances and budgets. As mentioned above, this topic forms part of the earth element, because of the security attribute that finances could provide or deprive you of.

More advice follows, this time in the topic of money and finances of course. This feels less and less a book about tarot, but since the purpose of the readings are to help yourself, I can see their value.

So, we move to the next chapter, which presents the next element: Air/mind.

After an extensive introduction on this topic and things that entails the element of air, the air spread is presented, as well as the examples of an air reading, which I found really helpful. Just like in the previous chapter, two full examples are included.

The air chapter also features an “exercise” section. And since air is the topic, the author starts with very fitting breathing exercises.

The fifth chapter sneaks in, with the element fire/body. A reading to light the way, the author says.

The next chapter is focused on the element of water/heart. And after that, you can find that the focus is on the element spirit/soul.

Just like in all previous chapters, all include an introduction, the spread for their element, 2 detailed examples of a reading, exercises, and advice.

Although all elements have been presented, there is still more to follow in this book.
Additional spreads for clarity, each with graphics, description and one example.

A chapter on self-care offers yet more advice. And is finally followed by a conclusion.

The appendix shows meanings of each card in a regular position or reversed.

I have to say that I was very surprised by how different this book is from other tarot books, even with the subheading being that the readings are to help you reset your life, I wasn’t expecting so many exercises that focus on everyday activities and that seem to be mundane and not spiritual, yet they affect us in various ways.

I really enjoyed this book and found it nice to be surprised by encountering more than the “usual”. But also liked to find yet another interpretation of the tarot cards. I find extremely interesting, how the same meanings of the cards can be explained with so many different words and different approaches, makes it easier to learn the various possible interpretations of the cards.

I would recommend this book to anyone that is not only interested in tarot, but that already has been acquainted with some readings. As this is a rather different approach to the “classic reading”. This book is not difficult to grasp, so a beginner could also benefit from it, just like anyone else. Yet in my opinion, knowing the basics prior to reading this book will be of higher benefit to the tarot practitioner/student.

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Sacred Destiny Oracle Review

Sacred Destiny Oracle Review

The sacred destiny Oracle is a 52-card oracle deck by Denise Linn and can be found in here: https://amzn.to/2SOtjai

With each card, you receive access to a different gateway, from our earthly realm to the one of Spirit. From forests to floodplains, meadows to caves, shimmering sunshine to the dark mysteries of the moon–these vibrant cards will fill your days with messages of Spirit, from the landscapes within and around us. In this video, I flip thru each card of the sacred destiny oracle to show you the images in them, and so you can decide if you resignate with these cards or not.

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