Tarot Elements Book Review

Tarot Elements Book Review

Tarot Elements – Five Readings to Reset Your Life

by Melissa Cynova

Author of:  Kitchen Table Tarot

( I received an unfinished digital copy of this book prior to its publication for reviewing purposes. This review reflects my own thoughts and is not compensated in any way.)


Tarot elements presents a new way of reading tarot cards. This new way consists of custom spreads, with specially crafted questions, and all by using the basis of the elements of the cards.

Wands represent fire, swords are air, pentacles are earth, cups are water, and the major arcana represent spirit.

After telling you “where to start”, the author then continues by informing you how to read tarot cards.

Step by step instructions are included in the book, including a graphic for the spread. The author mentions that this section is dedicated to those new to tarot readings.

After this, all the elements are divided into their readings specifics.
First, we see “earth/home”. I really relate to her description of the earth element, how it represents being grounded, feeling safe, and how finances could also be part of the earth, as it sometimes makes you feel secure if you have your needs met with your current income.

So she continues by saying that the purpose of an earth reading is to know/ask about safety, security, and peace of mind.

After this, all the elements are divided into their readings specifics.
First, we see “earth/home”. I really relate to her description of the earth element, how it represents being grounded, feeling safe, and how finances could also be part of the earth, as it sometimes makes you feel secure if you have your needs met with your current income.

So she continues by saying that the purpose of an earth reading is to know/ask about safety, security, and peace of mind.

Tarot Elements Book Review pin

The earth reading spread is presented with the meanings of each position, as well as two very detailed earth readings examples. Filling the examples you will find an exercise regarding your home and the earth elements of your life.
The author sends you to clean your home and mentions that her favorite housekeeping website is unfuckyourhabitat.com

Well, with that name I’m absolutely curious and I feel the need to pause my reading and check this site. (turns out is a nice resource, but beware, lots of curses in the writing of this website).

Get your copy here: 

Tarot Elements

The author presents a set of 4 steps to clean up your home, including decluttering and only keeping what makes you happy. Which inevitably makes me think of the magic of tidying up by Marie Kondo.

I though that it was very strange to encounter this kind of advice in a tarot book, yet they are nice and welcomed. Although unexpected, I appreciate any well meaning advice or to do list.

Following the home section, the author talks about finances and budgets. As mentioned above, this topic forms part of the earth element, because of the security attribute that finances could provide or deprive you of.

More advice follows, this time in the topic of money and finances of course. This feels less and less a book about tarot, but since the purpose of the readings are to help yourself, I can see their value.

So, we move to the next chapter, which presents the next element: Air/mind.

After an extensive introduction on this topic and things that entails the element of air, the air spread is presented, as well as the examples of an air reading, which I found really helpful. Just like in the previous chapter, two full examples are included.

The air chapter also features an “exercise” section. And since air is the topic, the author starts with very fitting breathing exercises.

The fifth chapter sneaks in, with the element fire/body. A reading to light the way, the author says.

The next chapter is focused on the element of water/heart. And after that, you can find that the focus is on the element spirit/soul.

Just like in all previous chapters, all include an introduction, the spread for their element, 2 detailed examples of a reading, exercises, and advice.

Although all elements have been presented, there is still more to follow in this book.
Additional spreads for clarity, each with graphics, description and one example.

A chapter on self-care offers yet more advice. And is finally followed by a conclusion.

The appendix shows meanings of each card in a regular position or reversed.

I have to say that I was very surprised by how different this book is from other tarot books, even with the subheading being that the readings are to help you reset your life, I wasn’t expecting so many exercises that focus on everyday activities and that seem to be mundane and not spiritual, yet they affect us in various ways.

I really enjoyed this book and found it nice to be surprised by encountering more than the “usual”. But also liked to find yet another interpretation of the tarot cards. I find extremely interesting, how the same meanings of the cards can be explained with so many different words and different approaches, makes it easier to learn the various possible interpretations of the cards.

I would recommend this book to anyone that is not only interested in tarot, but that already has been acquainted with some readings. As this is a rather different approach to the “classic reading”. This book is not difficult to grasp, so a beginner could also benefit from it, just like anyone else. Yet in my opinion, knowing the basics prior to reading this book will be of higher benefit to the tarot practitioner/student.

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Raise Clairaudient Energy Book Review

Raise Clairaudient Energy Book Review

Raise Clairaudient Energy 

(Cyndi Dale’s Essential

Energy Library Book 3)

Llewellyn Publications

(This post contains affiliate links)

I received an uncorrected proof of this ebook for the purpose of reviewing it. This means, that typos encountered might have been fixed by the time of publication.
This book features a well-written introduction, telling you what to expect in the upcoming chapters of this book. 

My only dislike of the introduction was that the author repeatedly wrote that clairaudience means “clear hearing”, over and over. After the 3rd mention of this meaning (and more to follow), I felt it was too much, and that anyone would have taken the message by this point. 

In the 1st chapter, the author proceeds to explain in more detail what clairaudience is, and understandings that she considers to be necessary in order to develop this gift. An outline of the six basic categories of clairaudience is also included in this chapter.

Still, in the 1st chapter, the author shares many anecdotal stories of her own past as examples of how multi-layered this gift can present itself to you and others. Following she mentions the many instances when clairaudience events appeared in history, like Joan D’arc or how the Bible mentions people able to communicate with God and so on. Finally, this chapter talks about chakras and how they play a part in all 6 types of clairaudience.

In the following chapter, the author presents a clairaudience tool kit, with concepts, techniques, and exercises.
Before every exercise, the author explains how and why said exercises are important to this practice, and also what could be expected if you were to follow her instructions on said exercises. What not to expect is also listed. 
All exercises are divided into different steps that are excellent for an easy read and therefore also easier to follow. 
More anecdotal stories appear in this chapter as well, more examples to illustrate important aspects of these exercises. 

The use of crystals is also mentioned in the second chapter. The author claims that these stones and crystals can be used to cleanse, empower, and protect the practitioner. 
Moving into chapter number 3, the author goes into even more detail about the “Classic Clairaudience” which in her words, is said to be the most well-known form of clairaudience.

More exercises and tips regarding the classic clairaudience are part of this chapter, each with a brief description or a set of actions to be followed.
The following chapters are presented very much in the example of the above. They process an introduction to the type of clairaudience being explained, followed by exercises, and a summary at the very end of the chapters.

Chapter 4 discuss “speaking in tongues”, followed by “Clairaudient Writing” in chapter 5, “Clairaudient Telepathy” is the next topic that is found in chapter 6, while in chapter 7 you can find “Natural Clairaudience”, but there is still more to be found in chapter 8, which contains the topic “Healing and Manifesting”, and then is followed by an overall conclusion.

I tried various of the exercises presented in this book without any apparent results. I’d love to think that I could develop these gifts so I will keep trying. But to this date, nothing has happened. 

If you’re interested you can find a copy here: Raise Clairaudient Energy

Best Crystals For Meditation

Best Crystals For Meditation

Meditation can take time and practice to master. The main goal of meditation is to clear your mind. However, some people usually find it difficult to clear their minds, especially those that experience anxiety or depression. Running thoughts interrupt their ability to meditate, which makes them frustrated and most likely to give up. Using crystals in meditation practice helps in channeling these thoughts into the crystal. By releasing your thoughts, this aids in clearing the mind. Crystals can be used by beginners and experienced meditators to hold the intention for their meditation.


Why Use Crystals in Meditation

Using a crystal in meditation acts as a visual aid to clear the mind or hold an intention for your meditation. It also helps with the need to do something or fidgeting. If you consider how a stuffed animal helps a child feel comforted when upset, a crystal works in a similar way. When a person who experiences anxiety has running thoughts, it can be hard to keep the mind from focusing on these thoughts. By holding a crystal in meditation, you can channel your running thoughts into the crystal. The solid object of the crystal offers comfort and a unique vibrational quality to you as the meditator.

Crystals also act as intention holders. If, for instance, the focus for the meditation is to heal grief, setting the intention to release grief into the crystal helps to bring about this desired outcome. The crystal then acts as a witness to the meditation. This takes the responsibility off the individual to release grief by themselves. The comfort that comes from the crystal helps them release the grief more easily. You can also add to your intentions for the crystal to transmute the grief energy that you just released into it into a positive one. This is possible with the power of your intention and also the power inside each crystal that is a part of mother nature. 



Best Crystals Aid in Meditation


Selenite’s naturally calming vibration also helps in releasing negative and running thoughts from the mind. One thing that is different from selenite is that it carries protective energy that keeps other people’s energy from affecting yours. Its energy can act as a barrier to keep other people’s energy out of your space. Most people who experience anxiety and depression find themselves thinking of the past or future events that involve other people. By using selenite, the crystal helps to release these thoughts to focus on the present. 


White Quartz: 

White quartz crystals hold a unique vibration from other crystals and are widely used in a variety of healing work. The clearer the crystal, the more it can help with a master healing vibration. White quartz crystals are often very pure in energy and are able to find energy blockages. By using them in meditation, you can find that channeling thoughts to them will also help in releasing these thoughts from your mind. Once you channel the negative or running thoughts from your mind, you are able to think more clearly and are better able to clear your mind in meditation.


Blue Agate:

Blue agate is a natural healing stone that helps to calm the mind and emotions. The stone’s pale blue color and smooth ripples in the appearance gives the impression of water, which is part of the reason why this stone is recommended for meditation. It is helpful during meditation to provide enough calmness to the individual to focus on clearing their thoughts. It can also provide a relaxing feeling. It is known to help relieve a person experiencing anxiety and depression temporarily for them to practice meditation.


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Sacred Destiny Oracle Review

Sacred Destiny Oracle Review

The sacred destiny Oracle is a 52-card oracle deck by Denise Linn and can be found in here: https://amzn.to/2SOtjai

With each card, you receive access to a different gateway, from our earthly realm to the one of Spirit. From forests to floodplains, meadows to caves, shimmering sunshine to the dark mysteries of the moon–these vibrant cards will fill your days with messages of Spirit, from the landscapes within and around us. In this video, I flip thru each card of the sacred destiny oracle to show you the images in them, and so you can decide if you resignate with these cards or not.

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